
Staff Management Solution

With the ability to assist in any industry, our staff data management solution is able to utilise geofencing and biometric technology such as fingerprint scanners and facial recognition devices to track and report staff information to you in real-time.

The purpose of our product is to automate the process of reporting time attendance in your company, giving you the ability to manage employees effectively, provide accurate performance appraisals, and run payroll with ease. Additionally, we can customise OnTime with any extra or specialised functionality that you require. 

Powerful Management Capability

Key features

Fully Mobile

Using your mobile phone, interact with text message reminders and log onto our platform to check in and check out before and after your appointment. 

Easy to Use

As a user, simply open the link from the text message before each shift and clock in. Clocking out uses the same process. Easy and simple. 

Live Data

Management can monitor and react to “no-shows” fast with live data for all staff out in the field. View reports and provide feedback to staff without cumbersome spreadsheets. 

Client Reporting

If need be, your clients can also receive schedules sent to them via email so they are fully aware of staff that will be visiting. 

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